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Annual Mandatory Training

Total Workforce Management System (TWMS)

TWMS is the Learning Management System where DON annual mandatory training is completed for all NAF Civilian personnel.

Access TWMS
Log into TWMS with your CAC, using Edge or Firefox.

Annual Training Requirements for FY25
Mandatory training is defined by SECNAV Instruction 12410.25 as training mandated by executive order, Federal statute, regulation or at the direction of the Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV).

Annual completions are tracked on a fiscal year basis. Annual training requirements can be found under Training & Education > Training > Training Requirements in TWMS.

Class Class ID Completed By
FY25 Records Management 76746 1/15/2025
FY25 Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) 76748 1/15/2025
FY25 CNIC Activer Shooter 76753 1/31/2025
Class Class ID Completed By
FY25 DoD Cyber Awareness Challenge 76689 9/1/2025
FY25 Privacy and Personally Indentifiable Information (PII) Awareness Training 767149 9/30/2025
FY25 Workplace Violence Prevention 76719 9/30/2025
FY25 CNIC Annual Security Refresher Brief 76727 9/30/2025
FY25 CNIC Plain Language Writing 76735 9/30/2025
FY25 CNIC Equal Employment Opportunity for Employees 76742 9/30/2025
FY25 DON Civillian Sexual Assault Prevention adn Response Training 76744 9/30/2025
FY25 Operation Security (OPSEC) 76759 9/30/2025
FY25 DoD Counterintelligence Awareness and Reporting 76752 9/30/2025
FY25 CNIC Ready Navy Emergency Preparedness 76754 9/30/2025
FY25 No Fear Act 76720 9/30/2025
Once a Year
Class Class ID Completed By
FY25 DON Harassment Prevention Training (POSH) 76750 Every 12 Months
Once Every 3 Years
Class Class ID Completed By
FY25 Level One Antiterrorism Training 76751 Every 3 Years
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