- Vision: To cultivate a culture of continuous learning and development, fostering excellence, world class customer service, and adaptability to thrive in an ever-evolving landscape by empowering N9 employees with comprehensive, adaptable, and innovative training and development program.
- Mission: FFR Training's (N941T) mission is to design, develop, and maintain the delivery of NAF HR employee development initiatives for N9 programs that have a measurable and constructive impact on the quality of life of Sailors and their families.
- Purpose: Aligned with N9’s vision of enhancing a mission-ready, mission-capable civilian workforce, our HQ team of training specialists, content developers and learning management system (LMS) administrators partner with certified learning and development professionals in the CNIC regions to provide a variety of face-to-face, virtual instructor-led, asynchronous, and self-paced learning opportunities that strive to meet the unique needs of our highly diverse N9 civilian workforce.
- For questions about account registration and technical support email cnic-u.fct@navy.mil
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